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Hogsworth and Biomes


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
So biomes obviously aren't a major thing to Potterworld and so largely it doesn't matter which biome everything is set as, aside from the colour of grass, water or leaves (and I don't even know if they change with the PW resource pack on). But one thing that does change is the weather. In colder biomes, it snows when the weather is set to raining, but in warmer biomes in rains. This video shows me flying over Hogsworth and shows how the biome changes a lot. This may not seem like a big deal, but it means that in some places it is snowing, while in others it is raining. The amount of times it switches between the two makes the whole experience seem glitchy or odd. I don't know if this is something that has been done for a specific purpose or if it was not on purpose, but I think the whole castle sohuld be changed to be the same biome, for consistency.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Motionic
Dark Follower Griffin Vampire
Heya @Honey_Dwarf1! Thank you so much for coming forward with this suggestion! We truly value players opinions and ideas. I will bring up this idea with the other poltergeists and we will discuss it further. I will get back to you once we have reached our decision. Have a wonderful day!


Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
Heya Honeydwarf!

Thank you very much for creating this suggestion. We really like seeing all the ideas posted on these forums and the way that people give suggestions to make a change! It is understandable that the difference in weather because of the biome difference can be confusing, but this happens for two reasons. We use biomepainting around the map and this is the main cause for the different biomes. It is what allows us to have all our different colours of leaves and grass. The inconsistent weather is unfortunately a side-effect of this. Since we have used biomepainting around the map, having one location without it would be inconsistent from the rest of the map. Additionally, in some biomes, when you are at a higher altitude, rain turns into snow. This is a minecraft feature and cannot be changed. Because of the above reasoning, we will be declining this suggestion.