DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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I’m a half Italian/Irish student of Computer Science, Electronics, Networking, Cybersecurity and etical hacking.
I’m an avid reader (especialy of fantasy) appassionated of the kind of worlds that you can visit trough the books of Harry Potter, Lord of the rings, Game of Thrones. As my favorite author I would choose Howard Philip Lovecraft because the worlds he created with our kind of world and his cosmic pantheon of alien creatures really make you feel our most ancient fear of the unkown. My favorite videogame is Skyrim thanks to the impressive amount of RPG elements and to the freedom of roleplay I can achieve. Speaking of the HP world my favorite spell would be Expelliarmus to avoid useless fights immediately, my guardian animal is the wolf to guide me through this world and help me in complex situations. My favorite magical subjects are Literature and DADA. My wand is made of steel with a wolf head on the end of the grip and it has a phoenix feather as core part, My boggart would be to die before having left enough good things as legacy to humanity.
My hobbies are reading, programming, D&D, cooking and hosting chess games with tea and homemade scones for my friends. My magical career would be Auror. In my room of requirement I would find books, my computer with a decent internet connection and the people I care about.
June 4


private String = "Mr Wolf";#9136

