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Recent content by _EatSoap_

  1. _EatSoap_

    Declined List of Curse words

    Hey everyone, thank you so much for commenting- like many of you are talking about i would just like there to be some kind of implication where there would be a warning or a command we could do to check whether or not it's okay, i understand the whole if you 'don't know don't say it' but that...
  2. _EatSoap_

    Declined List of Curse words

    I mainly say this as someone who would never consider the word "p***** off" to be a curse word neither light nor aggressive i'm mainly requesting for more awareness on i need to be cautious of. Looking back it seems reasonable for it to be a curse / light swear however, as someone who comes from...
  3. _EatSoap_

    Declined List of Curse words

    I have noticed that there have been multiple instances of people getting muted or possibly talked with about light curse words that people in other regions may not be aware of. I feel like adding a list of curse words and or a suggestion on what you should and should not say when it comes down...