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Recent content by Abi!

  1. Abi!

    Completed Love emote

  2. Abi!

    Completed Love emote

    Hey there! I have a suggestion for the "I love you" emote. When you do this emote it states in chat (I'll use Me and Niko (niknok_) as an example) "Abi is in love with Niko. I love you Niko" and I feel like the emote is a bit too far forward and I like to use this emote on my friends and...
  3. Abi!

    Declined Potterpoints suggestions

    so true ori
  4. Abi!

    Declined A new wand suggestion

  5. Abi!

    Pride 2021 Giveaway

    Hello! I am abistocrat<3 I am so happy to be apart of the LGBTQ+ community as a non-binary lesbian.
  6. Abi!

    Declined Furbies!

    furby's for the win, i agree !
  7. Abi!

    Completed Bagel shops

    we love u - The Bagel Family.
  8. Abi!

    Completed Bagel shops

    I completely agree with this statement!!!<3