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Recent content by Alex_Riddle

  1. Alex_Riddle

    Duplicate Grimlotts Minecarts

    Honestly the new model being rideable isn't necessary I would be happy with just the minecart ride back.
  2. Alex_Riddle

    Duplicate Grimlotts Minecarts

    Don't get me wrong, I do love the new model of the Grimlott's minecart it looks amazing. That model can stay, but all I ask is that the option to ride a minecart along the tracks be re-added. I loved that minecart ride as I use to use it to clear my head sometimes. There was something about...
  3. Alex_Riddle

    Completed Ban Appeal Updates

    Thank you, I appreciate it.
  4. Alex_Riddle

    Completed Housing Furniture

    The wooden panel blocks from the broomsticks inn would be nice as well.
  5. Alex_Riddle

    Completed Ban Appeal Updates

    I'm experiencing the ban appeal process second hand and there's nothing update wise whatsoever. You just send the appeal in and eventually they'll sent a response...
  6. Alex_Riddle

    Completed Ban Appeal Updates

    As someone who has been monitoring a friend's ban appeal alongside them. I feel as though they are kept in the dark on the progress of their appeal. For example they could at least be told when their appeal has been received by staff or when their appeal is being considered. This way they...
  7. Alex_Riddle

    Completed Housing Furniture

    Those are great ideas, but I'd also like to see the cupboards, slab stools, the couches from the common rooms, the quill writing on paper, trophies, the stack of papers, wither skull, plate with food on it, stove top, kettle, Butterbrew, and Pumpkin juice. The lantern light source block would...
  8. Alex_Riddle

    Declined Guild Banners

    Would it be possible to make it possible to obtain guild banners? I'd love to be able to use them around my housing plot.
  9. Alex_Riddle

    Completed Housing Furniture

    It would be amazing if you could expand the furniture options available for purchase in housing. As I explore the server I notice furniture that I'd love to use in my own housing, only to go to the house elf and realize it's not available. For example the tables we only get the leg portion so...