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Recent content by angxlus

  1. angxlus

    Windows Philanthropy's January Giveaway

    angxlus gl everyone <3
  2. angxlus

    Count as high as you can until a staff member comes on: 2.0

    3? Me and my very outdated signature prefer 0 <3
  3. angxlus

    Year 2 quest 7

    No problem! Have a great day and feel free to reach out if you need any further help! :)
  4. angxlus

    Year 2 quest 7

    Hi OggarBoggar! Ghouls can be found on /map (a command you can do ingame)! They are in the forest to the left of Hogsend between the Thestries and the Flufflepuffs! I hope this helps!
  5. angxlus

    Two words, replace one

    Salted Butter!
  6. angxlus

    the chalice of Oblivion quuest

    Hi @OfficialDaan_ ! If you are still looking for the Garvi Lair, it can be found at the coords: 4816 68 7528! The entrance is a cave, hope this help! :)
  7. angxlus

    Completed bear pet

    I agree with this, a djungelskog plush or pet would be super cool! <3-<3