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Recent content by Aspasia

  1. Aspasia

    New Heads of Game Design

    WOO Congratulations Noah & Chailey!!!
  2. Aspasia

    Now Available - Potterworld's 10th Anniversary

    10s 10s 10s across the board!! Shira you ate :love:
  3. Aspasia

    8 Hours of Classes

    Wooo can't waitt!!!
  4. Aspasia

    Anniversary Store Releases

    ahhh the new models are amazingg!!! Great Job!!! :D
  5. Aspasia

    Personality Bundle Releases

    Love the bundles they're so cute! Great job on the names :)
  6. Aspasia

    Count as high as you can until a staff member comes on: 2.0

    LMAO does this put you in the negatives???
  7. Aspasia

    House Cup March 2024

    Wooo Congratulations Griffins!!!!
  8. Aspasia

    Sanctuary Store Releases

    I love the new releases my fav has def to be the mushroom hat!
  9. Aspasia

    Valentine's Day Store Releases

    The heartstorm death effects are amazing :love:
  10. Aspasia

    Under Review Mahounoshiro Fan Recolours

    I totally agree with this suggestion adding new variations of colors for these fans would be wonderful!! :heart::heart:
  11. Aspasia

    [COLOR=rgb(147, 101, 184)]Hello Potterworldians! :giggle: I have released my art store to the...

    [COLOR=rgb(147, 101, 184)]Hello Potterworldians! :giggle: I have released my art store to the public! All commissions on the store are tradeable with Potterworld gold. I have several art options to create your character! From Hogsworth Student IDs, Signatures, and Store Trades we have it all and...
  12. Aspasia

    Coming Soon - Return to the Enchanted Valley

    the video looks amazing!!
  13. Aspasia

    Completed Possible Wand Names Update?

    To be honest I just thought about this.. Hey guys! So I was thinking for the wand name feature, where we can have one custom name preset. I was wondering if having two presets would be possible, because when you change a skin I would rather have two options to choose from than purchasing...