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Recent content by autumncasx

  1. autumncasx

    Declined Revamping the 1v1 Arena: A Proposal for Enhanced Dueling Experience

    I wish i could write as beautifully as u can leyak! 10/10 suggestion!
  2. autumncasx

    Declined add class alerts to games

    give this poor man his rainbow elixir potions class
  3. autumncasx

    On-Hold make discord bot ping surprise classes

    cant believe u would favoritize certain classes over others. so true tho
  4. autumncasx

    Completed Beskar to Star Tokens

    true!! star tokens r harder to come by as well imo
  5. autumncasx

    Completed Longer AFK timer

    agreed!! and u often get kicked when u rejoin as well
  6. autumncasx

    Completed more star tokens for combo kills!!

    i agree even tho i can barely get a single kill
  7. autumncasx

    Declined fix game queue missing out

    r u sure u didnt use ChatGPT for this one?? agreed tho
  8. autumncasx

    Duplicate Improving Local Chat System: Adding Region-Specific Areas on PotterworldMC

    i, too, feel extremely disrupted by this
  9. autumncasx

    On-Hold Suggestion for Class-Related Emotes on PotterworldMC Server

    i would love to do a double backflip in parkour with u
  10. autumncasx

    On-Hold Minigames Around the World

    amazing suggestions
  11. autumncasx

    Completed (event) parkour timer
