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Recent content by BolasNIB

  1. I cant get in the server

    Thanks for the help
  2. I cant get in the server

    I got in I just logged and it worked thanks
  3. I cant get in the server

    t was already at prompt
  4. I cant get in the server

    Hi, So what happensis the game loads : First, it connects to the server then it logs in and encrypts and after that, it says it's joining the world (until this everything is ok), but after starts loading the terrain for about 2 minutes at the end of the 2 minutes it just says "Connection Lost...
  5. I cant get in the server

    Hi, again i tried those things already and it doesn't work
  6. I cant get in the server

    Thanks, I will try
  7. I cant get in the server

    Hello everyone, My name is BolasNIB but call me Bolas. I am trying to get in thserver but after it says loading terrain in the waiting screen the server automatically disconnects me. Has anyone have an idea on how to make it work (i am playing on 1.12.2)