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Recent content by Brycaronii

  1. Brycaronii

    Quabbleball Player Testing

    Brycaronii Brycaronii#2132
  2. Brycaronii

    Quabbleball Player Testing

  3. Brycaronii

    November 2022 Dueling Tournament Sign-Up

    Brycaronii: Ravens
  4. Brycaronii

    Declined Epifo Crouch

    Real duelists don't use epifio and just pray dps wins
  5. Brycaronii

    Declined Remove Searcher

    I'd be fine with searching to stay in the game, it should just unbelievably hard to catch.
  6. Brycaronii

    Quabbleball Maintenance

    yeah, I would bet that it gets released sometime this week.
  7. Brycaronii

    Quabbleball Maintenance

    I hope QB can get the work it needs to succeed in the future.
  8. Brycaronii

    Completed Quabbleball Leaderboard Competition

    Yeah, if tournaments were able to be implemented, having houses compete against each other would be a great way to boost qb engagement.
  9. Brycaronii

    Duplicate The Chess Piece in the Raven Common Room Should be Playable

    It'd be a really cool minigame and would boost engagement with the common room.