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Recent content by cheddarsoup

  1. cheddarsoup

    The Gusrdian Challange

    it's supposed to be a challenge
  2. cheddarsoup

    On-Hold make more wands that are like actual wands

    more realistic wands please i know yall cant do ones from the movies and stuff anymore but you can still do ones in that style. the regal wand is a good example. the newer wands that have been released are fine for like a second to look at but im playing on a minecraft harry potter server i...
  3. cheddarsoup

    Declined revert to the old potion making system

    will it be actually decent or no
  4. cheddarsoup

    Under Review bruiser blindness gotta go

    can we get an update on this it's been months multiple tournaments and bruiser is still the most broken role in the game and it's not even close
  5. cheddarsoup

    Under Review king od the hill bad

    For 5k gold you (the person reading this) can buy the playbook for how to most of the time win king of the chair in dueling class, that way you don't end up like this person here ^
  6. cheddarsoup

    Declined Playertags while duelling should be 1 color

    i feel like if you lose a duel it's not because the other person had a darker prefix than you, any difference that makes is negligible. unnecessary i think but maybe others disagree
  7. cheddarsoup

    A Letter From Headmistress Lare

    This is cool I like this potterworld minecraft
  8. cheddarsoup

    Completed make 5th battle of pw 3 players

    i agree - big cheese
  9. cheddarsoup

    Completed Let everyone use their Winter Waltz house prefix.

    good job for decorating the greathall again though (not sarcasm I actually do think that it's a nice touch)
  10. cheddarsoup

    Completed Let everyone use their Winter Waltz house prefix.

    Lol i haven't even played the event yet but if you guys locked the prefixes behind a paywall this year that's literally a joke. Would love to say I expected better but I did not I'm not surprised. Playerbase is already unhappy, good job making them even more unhappy (y)
  11. cheddarsoup

    Completed coupon hunt dumb 2

    skill issue
  12. cheddarsoup

    Declined House Points for good suggestions

    yeah i used to care about suggesting stuff but then i realized (like most other people) they take at least 5 months to get a response (on the shorter end) along with a couple years to implement if accepted
  13. cheddarsoup

    Completed Extra Credit Taskboard

    i would honestly argue the exact opposite point there is no way im gonna remember to claim rewards after class but ill probably at some point do /daily
  14. cheddarsoup

    Under Review Proposal for Enhancing the Wizard's PE Curriculum: Introducing "Wizard's PE Theory"

    tbh im not reading all this but if LiviDK is posting a wizardpe suggestion its probably good make it happen