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Recent content by cqlii

  1. cqlii

    Pride 2021 Giveaway

    Calista here! Family and friends of the LGQBT+ community. Love conquers all! - <3
  2. cqlii

    Declined Adding non-staff/staff roles for daily field trips! A fun way to explore and learn.

    Greetings everybody! My name is Calista Labelle, and recently me and some of my good friends on Potterworld came up with the idea of taking students on adventures all around the map! What drew my inspiration was one day I noticed some students had unfortunately missed a class (they’re so popular...
  3. cqlii

    Daily Field Trips!

    Greetings everybody! My name is Calista Labelle, and recently me and some of my good friends on Potterworld came up with the idea of taking students on adventures all around the map! What drew my inspiration was one day I noticed some students had unfortunately missed a class (they’re so popular...
  4. cqlii

    Looking to gauge interest in Daily Field Trips!

    Hey everybody! Calista_Labelle here! To clear up any confusion on this, me and some friends have decided to start taking any students interested on daily field trips all around the Potterworld map! All students any years are welcome to join, and we’re hoping to make this idea grow over time! So...