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Recent content by gospojken

  1. gospojken

    New Head of Build

    Congratulations on your promotion, Shira! This is very well-deserved! 💚🎉
  2. gospojken

    Count as high as you can until a staff member comes on: 2.0

    Greetings, people!
  3. gospojken

    Count as high as you can until a staff member comes on: 2.0

    How about we settle at 0? c;
  4. gospojken

    Allegiance Expansion Store Releases

    Greetings witches and wizards, Phoenix, Auralock or Dark Follower - where do your loyalties truly lie? Whether you're hiding in the depths of the Dark Follower caves or the high branches of the Phoenix treehouses, we're sure you'll enjoy our brand new Allegiance Expansion Store Releases! This...
  5. gospojken

    Duality Store Releases

    Greetings witches and wizards, Happy New Year! To ring in 2025, the Store team is excited to announce our new Duality Store Releases! Maybe you're a fan of bright, colourful cosmetics - our new butterfly wand effects might be just the thing for you! Alternatively, if you're a fan of simplicity...
  6. gospojken

    December 2024 Hidden Coupon

    Greetings, witches and wizards! We are excited to announce the release of this month's hidden coupon! This entails riddles and puzzles scattered around the world and on our store, with the first to crack the codes and find items in-game winning the month's coupon. This gift card can only be...
  7. gospojken

    Galdrakademia Store Releases & Sale

    Greetings witches and wizards, With the Winter Waltz festivities well underway, we are excited to present the Galdrakademia Store Releases & Sale! Immerse yourself in the snow-topped glaciers of Greenland with one of our two brand-new housing sceneries, or sport a conduit-style headband as you...
  8. gospojken

    Black Friday Sale

    Greetings, witches and wizards! We are absolutely thrilled to announce that our Black Friday Sale has returned! This year we are offering 50% off on all items except the New Releases category. Black Friday is the best time to buy that cosmetic you have been eyeing, join your favourite...
  9. gospojken

    Vivid Store Releases

    Greetings, witches and wizards! Put on your Navy Bucket Hat, grab your Explorer's Map, and stroll through the fields with your Pet Baby Highland Cow to the crystal caves with our brand-new Vivid Store Releases! This release includes thirteen new cosmetics and an addition to a past item. We are...
  10. gospojken

    Rustling Store Releases

    Greetings witches and wizards, As autumn draws in and the clocks change with the season, we're excited to announce the Rustling Store Releases! Dig through the fallen leaves in our amazing new Autumn Scenery, or soar high above the autumnal branches with the golden Maple Broom. The full list of...
  11. gospojken

    September 2024 Hidden Coupon - Found

    Greetings, witches and wizards! We are excited to announce the release of this month's hidden coupon! Each month, we release riddles and puzzles around the world and on our store, with the first to crack the codes and find items in-game winning the month's coupon. Our hidden coupons are...
  12. gospojken

    Butterbrew Store Releases

    Greetings, witches and wizards! Autumn is approaching, and we are overjoyed to celebrate the Butterbrew Festival! The Store team is thrilled to announce the Butterbrew Store Releases with this event! These items will stay until September 21, and are the following: SEASONAL Pet Butterbrew...
  13. gospojken

    August 2024 Hidden Coupon - Found

    Greetings, witches and wizards! We are excited to announce the release of this month's hidden coupon! Each month, we release riddles and puzzles around the world and on our store, with the first to crack the codes and find items in-game winning the month's coupon. Our hidden coupons are...