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Recent content by GrummthekidRS

  1. GrummthekidRS

    The Person Below Me

    true TPBM is at college
  2. GrummthekidRS

    The Person Below Me

    false TPBM has a laptop
  3. GrummthekidRS

    The Person Below Me

    false TPBM is weird
  4. GrummthekidRS

    The Person Below Me

    true TPBM is in math class rn
  5. GrummthekidRS

    Think Of A Word

  6. GrummthekidRS

    Count to 100, 1000, 10,000..

  7. GrummthekidRS

    Think Of A Word

  8. GrummthekidRS

    Count to 100 thousand.

  9. GrummthekidRS

    Count to 100 thousand.

  10. GrummthekidRS

    The Person Below Me

    False TPBM has read every Harry Potter book.
  11. GrummthekidRS

    The Person Below Me

    False TPBM is a vegeterian
  12. GrummthekidRS

    Count to 100 thousand.

  13. GrummthekidRS

    The Person Below Me

    False TPBM wears glasses
  14. GrummthekidRS

    The Person Below Me

    False TPBM likes cheese
  15. GrummthekidRS

    The Person Below Me

    False TPBM is craving noodles