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Recent content by HarmonicHewell

  1. HarmonicHewell

    Feedback The Problem of Grinding

    Hey thanks so much for responding! I'm looking forward to the changes the crew will make in future!
  2. HarmonicHewell

    Feedback The Problem of Grinding

    I've been playing this server on and off for a year now. Mostly off, but recently I've came back into it over the last few weeks. I've gone from level 2 to level 52 over the course of a month or so, and for the most part, it's been rather enjoyable. For the most part. Grinding is something that...
  3. HarmonicHewell

    heeheehee one day you'll all know of me!

    heeheehee one day you'll all know of me!
  4. HarmonicHewell

    Completed Feedback: General annoyance with the new update

    This is going to be a bit of a blunt and hostile post about the new update and general gripes I have with it. During quarantine I started reading the HP books and have also been playing minecraft. I joined this server and had a blast running around the castle exploring. I kept finding new easter...