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Recent content by Honey_Dwarf1

  1. Honey_Dwarf1

    On-Hold Shakespeare Emote Pack

    [player 1] exits, pursued by a bear
  2. Honey_Dwarf1

    Feedback Navyy's Letter of Complaint

    while ur at it poltergeists just revisit every thread on the forums and also on uservoice thx
  3. Honey_Dwarf1

    Declined House Boosting

    @Ivan_ the website isn't letting me reply to individual snippets so i can't quote individual bits :/ would the rule be something along the lines of 'don't use alts to grind house points'? I guess this works, it's just a little vague because I could, for example, do dailies on multiple accounts...
  4. Honey_Dwarf1

    Declined House Boosting

    ok i see your point but i really cannot see how you can stop this from happening without outright banning alts, which i don't think would be fair for the people who have alts but don't use them to boost themselves or families with multiple players. An alt limit being introduced I would be in...
  5. Honey_Dwarf1

    Declined House Boosting

    how do you stop an alt boosting house cup? it's easy in order up, you just ban joining it. Aside from outright banning alts, I really don't see any way this can be done. i'm not sure exactly how alts are boosting the house cup, dailies? in which case i personally don't think it's a major...
  6. Honey_Dwarf1

    Declined guild chat

    deci is biased he doesn't like purple (if you must change it, other colour suggestions include fuschia, pastel pink, carmesi crimson, pastel purple, ruby pink, deep pink, yellow green, and perms brown)
  7. Honey_Dwarf1

    Feedback Feedback: Minigames Balance for future competitions

    personally disagree, this event could be considered grindy if you're after the droobledoll. Equally, every event could be considered grindy if you're trying to be the person who reaches the very top score, as this is basically only achieved by constantly grinding minigames. I think that if...
  8. Honey_Dwarf1

    Declined Increase Payload AFK Time

    they should make it 5 seconds for anyone called MattyPoltergeist and 30s for everyone else
  9. Honey_Dwarf1

    Duplicate Pronoun Implementation

    https://potterworldmc.com/threads/biography-plugin.8737/ https://potterworldmc.com/threads/pronouns-in-personalisation.10195/#post-72652 not something pw is interested in doing (with given reasons) https://potterworldmc.com/threads/discord-pronoun-roles.8229/...
  10. Honey_Dwarf1

    Declined Eggdog Pet

    giacomo moment
  11. Honey_Dwarf1

    Completed Crab pet

    whats a crab please expand further
  12. Honey_Dwarf1

    Declined Choosing maps

    i think this problem needs to be fixed in other ways imo revamping those maps like pegasus flight bc i think it's right to not have voting (avoiding the same maps over and over) but it's genuinely so frustrating to have to keep goijg to get a map you can do in under a minute. i'm sure pegasus...
  13. Honey_Dwarf1

    Completed Change Trivia Question in PG

    agree, black and yellow may be the correct answer but black and gold is reasonably an answer you would put, that answer should be changed
  14. Honey_Dwarf1

    Completed Changes to the Monthly Art Giveaway Rewards

    i also think the best solution is going back to the pp system, though i feel like it must have been changed for a reason? Anyway, I have been saving up potterpoints for ages and it's pretty frustrating that the ways of getting them are being removed in favour of something that basically forces...
  15. Honey_Dwarf1

    On-Hold Exclusive prefixes

    i personally never had a problem with WW prefixes being locked behind droobles order and to me that feels like a solution to this as well. In this instance it would work maybe like Tall suggested with a symbol, or maybe as a different prefix like WW was this year, and be available to DO...