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Recent content by iiChxrq

  1. iiChxrq

    Time out error

    Thank you!
  2. iiChxrq

    Time out error

    I can't join the server because it keeps on timing out. All my other servers work except for this one. what should I do?
  3. iiChxrq

    Missing spell

    Hello! I'm currently a lvl 39 player and have been playing since 2018 but took a break. When I checked my spells, I realized do not have some of the spells. For example, I wanted to find Respiratus (lvl. 31 spell) but realized that I don't have it. I am missing quite alot of spells from lower...
  4. iiChxrq

    Quest items disappearing

    Sometimes, the items glitch while I'm in the process of completing a task. In my case, I was trying to make a piece of candy for a quest. But while I was crafting it, one of the items in my hand glitched and disappeared. Without the item, I won't be able to finish the task. Is there any way I...