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Recent content by Kirstree

  1. Kirstree

    Declined Is Duelling an American Sport?

    100% agree the minority shouldn't be ignored, but it does make sense that the class system is set up how it is assuming it's based on that. Given the fact there's only I think 6 or so planned classes that fall outside of that. I think surprise classes personally aren't the greatest, for me...
  2. Kirstree

    Declined Is Duelling an American Sport?

    I think we should definitely get more classes in the EU timezone as someone from Europe, a lot of the classes are inconvenient timezones etc. However, it's not exactly like they can magic up staff, we don't know every single person who applies, what timezone they are in, whether it's a "spam"...
  3. Kirstree

    Duplicate Add a Dislike button

    An idea is instead of a "dislike" button, you could have a "I disagree" this allows people to say their opinions still and with that give a fair discussion at least in suggestions. I believe on the forum use Xenforo (please correct me if I'm wrong), and with that system you can disable karma...
  4. Kirstree

    Completed Hanukkah Items!

    Just because the objects themselves might not be "religious" but Christmas is a religious tradition.
  5. Kirstree

    Declined Make roles (Auror, Death Eater, Dark Lord) reachable with quests

    I mean it's the traders real money so they usually pick the rate. But yeah 1000 - $1
  6. Kirstree

    Declined Make roles (Auror, Death Eater, Dark Lord) reachable with quests

    It varies per store trader, usually about $1-1k but that's gone up recently I believe.
  7. Kirstree

    Completed Hanukkah Items!

    Just because people may not know what they are doesn't mean those who do shouldn't have things that celebrate it. Also us bringing attention to it as a server will educate people which is great. I think this is a great idea but I do understand the limitations around it since you are attempting...