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Recent content by Laurillys

  1. Laurillys

    Pride 2022 Giveaway

    IGN: Laurillys Something I love about myself is my passion, more specifically my passion to pursue things. Whether that be,, being an activist for my community, being a Asian-Filipino, being LGBTQ+, and pursuing my love for helping people by studying psychology, my passion for things is what...
  2. Laurillys

    Year 5-Pet Peeves Quest

    Hi! So I'm at the part where I need to click 4 different graves (Penelope Plum, Erold Easton,Timothy Tagert, and Rob Richardson). I hear a ding when I hit in the order of Penelope, Erold, then Timothy. But as soon as I hit Robs gravestone I hear a decline. So I'm just confused if i'm clicking...
  3. Laurillys

    Year 5-Memory Lane Quest

    Hi so ive been stuck on this one part of the quest for a long time, Its asking me to enter a 4 digit code and I was able to get all the numbers I needed to use (6,7,1,0 is the order it appears in the journal). And when I go to put in the digits in it still isnt going through and ive tried...