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Recent content by Maanooon_

  1. Maanooon_

    May 2022 Flying Tournament Sign-Up

    Maanooon_ raven
  2. Maanooon_

    Completed More Ac Tradder

    It's sometimes annoying to go back to the castle just to trade your AC in xp when you are really far from the castle and need xp for unlock a new quest. So maybe it will be nice to add more NPC trader in each location for example like Tommy Riddle.
  3. Maanooon_

    Tracking spell

    I found it by luck but idk how to delete this thread
  4. Maanooon_

    Tracking spell

    I'm doing the House of Wise quest and I need to find the Rosalyn's Journal in the Room of Hidden things. I have pick the Necklace first and now that i'm on the room when I use the tracking spell of the necklace it just do some particles around me but I don't see any fire particles that show the...