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Recent content by Miillly

  1. Miillly

    Duplicate Werewolf Transformations

    I feel like werewolves kind of got the lower tier of the clubs. Seeing as it does not have an actual transformation. I feel as though they should, given that S.P.E.W. has one. Now, I know we have a hat, but I'm speaking for myself and probably a lot of other people when I say-- I would much...
  2. Miillly

    Declined Werewolf Transformation

    actually S.P.E.W. is the same price as werewolf and they have a transformation. im not trying to push anything, im just saying it would make more sense for us to actually have a transformation.
  3. Miillly

    Declined Werewolf Transformation

    At the moment if you have bought the werewolf pack you receive multiple things, including a werewolf hat to count as a "transformation" although I believe we should receive an animorphus much like the "S.P.E.W." Pack, as that would make a lot more sense. I know some love the hat, so maybe we...
  4. Miillly

    Duplicate W

    no no i mean the club member, bu8t yes the that would be a cool addition to the mobs aswell.
  5. Miillly

    Duplicate W

    yeah i would much prefer to have an animorphus than a hot tbh
  6. Miillly

    Duplicate W

    I personally think that werewolves should have some sort of transformation, as it would really add to the experience. like when the full moon is out you turn into one.