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Recent content by p0we_red

  1. p0we_red

    Declined Idea for broom appearance

    Hello my folks, I was thinking about this idea for a while. Let's say that you've just bought the Storm Petral as a broom appearance and you really love how it looks. Though, the way you summon it is really weird and unrealistic. I think it would be really cool to have a sort of "wooden whistle"...
  2. p0we_red

    Pride 2021 Giveaway

    Hello there! Happy pride month to everyone! Enjoy the event and remember to be yourself! :heart: ^-^ IGN: p0we_red
  3. p0we_red

    Declined Fix some hats in the store

    I bought a pair of glasses some years ago, and I had to remake my skin to fit the glasses correctly. I didn't like the skin, especially the position of the eyes, so I bought the secretary glasses in the hope that they would be better for my skin. With this, I just want to say that it will be...