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Recent content by Projectionists

  1. Projectionists

    Declined Lightsaber backpack storage slot?

    +1 for this idea, genuinely would be good or if not exactly this. Perhaps allow them to be placed within your Collectibles bag. Because I wanna be able to easily switch lightsabers without having to waste Inventory or Enderchest slots.
  2. Projectionists

    Duplicate Jurassic Pets

    I really like his idea!! It could be a really nice addition to the store! Especially the Dodo! :)
  3. Projectionists

    Talents Player Testing

    IGN: Projectionists Level: 80 Discord ID: Mythiclys#0001
  4. Projectionists

    Hi! I'm Sean or Projectionists, nice to be here! ^-^

    Hi! I'm Sean or Projectionists, nice to be here! ^-^