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Recent content by Puffih

  1. Puffih

    Declined New discord roles

    First of all, the roles would be optional, so that means not labelling everyone. Also you wouldn’t really need to check everyones roles literally every time you talk, just when you’d just refer to them. Also this isn’t politics nor a gender issue, more like a way to help being everyone more...
  2. Puffih

    Declined New discord roles

    I dont feel like age roles are necessary, and they could be harmful. Though I haven’t mentioned gender roles, I suggested pronoun roles (like he/him, she/her). Also assuming someones gender, especially if they arent cisgender, can impact someone in some ways you might not understand.
  3. Puffih

    Declined New discord roles

    Someone's identity isn't and shouldn't be a political opinion. It should just exist. It doesn't affect them at all, nor it is somehow conservative or liberal.
  4. Puffih

    Declined New discord roles

    I don't see how that'd be negative? Also you could choose multiple ones, and it's obviously optional.
  5. Puffih

    Declined New discord roles

    Hello! I've decided to suggest that there would be pronoun roles that you could claim on Discord. It could make things easier because sometimes you cant and always shouldn't assume someones pronouns. It'd also be neat if you could claim multiple pronoun roles if you go by more than one set of...
  6. Puffih

    Would you rather? (Answer the question then make one up for the person below you)

    Be a professional baker. Its tastier. Would you rather: Have your fingers as toes or have you toes as fingers?
  7. Puffih

    Two words, replace one

    Active Person
  8. Puffih

    Count to 100, 1000, 10,000..

  9. Puffih

    Count to 100, 1000, 10,000..

  10. Puffih

    Count to 100, 1000, 10,000..

  11. Puffih

    Count to 100, 1000, 10,000..

  12. Puffih

    One Word Story

  13. Puffih

    One Word Story

  14. Puffih

    Count to 100, 1000, 10,000..

  15. Puffih

    One Word Story
