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Recent content by Pumpkin_Pie21

  1. Pumpkin_Pie21

    Duplicate 2 person brooms

    I think that's a good idea except that i have no friends so i wouldn't ride with anyone...
  2. Pumpkin_Pie21

    Duplicate Quabbleball Practicing

    aw man
  3. Pumpkin_Pie21

    Duplicate Quabbleball Practicing

  4. Pumpkin_Pie21

    February 2023 Flying Tournament Sign-Up

    its over now guys
  5. Pumpkin_Pie21

    February 2023 Flying Tournament Sign-Up

    Pumpkin_Pie21, Raven
  6. Pumpkin_Pie21

    Duplicate Quabbleball Practicing

    Or they could do a whole quabbleball update, featuring the world cup, house teams, etc.
  7. Pumpkin_Pie21

    Duplicate Quabbleball Practicing

    Maybe you could practice quabbleball at the quabbleball field in hogsworth? With your own broom. Then choose what position, and have fun. And maybe you could practice with your friend to. Because sometimes I want to play quabbleball, but nobody else does.
  8. Pumpkin_Pie21

    Declined Potions

    Rats i like potion making