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Recent content by Quack

  1. Quack

    November Dueling Tournament Finals

    Proud of you! <3
  2. Quack

    Daily Login Streaks Reverted

    I'm sorry to see the daily login streaks go, but I'm glad you're taking the needed time to perfect the system to make it a great experience for us! <3
  3. Quack

    Quabbleball Academy!

    iQuackLikeADuck I would like to improve at the bruiser role. My discord is Quack#7714 I want to get better at quabbleball because I'm always looking to improve my abilities! <3
  4. Quack

    Book Suggestions!

    The Witcher series by Andrzej Sapkowski
  5. Quack

    Ocarina Songs!

    As in posting the notes for it? Posting a link to the actual song? Or just the name of the songs we know?
  6. Quack

    Think Of A Word

  7. Quack

    Think Of A Word
