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Recent content by SirCodalot

  1. SirCodalot

    May 2022 Plasma Showdown Tournament Sign-Up

    AkariCP :honeybadger:
  2. SirCodalot

    Declined Engorgimus Hat

    That's a great idea. Btw, the shaders I used are BSL v7.1.04.1 with a custom config (for changing the fog and sky color)
  3. SirCodalot

    Declined Change the trade/phoenix color to a different orange

    In 1.16 a new feature was introduced that lets players create custom chat colors with RGB values, so we're not limited to the predefined colors anymore. But it'll probably take some time for the server to update to 1.16. Also, since 1.13, it is possible to create custom chat characters with...
  4. SirCodalot

    Declined Engorgimus Hat

    It is very likely that in the past few weeks you've encountered one of these handsome lads: (Models in the image: @Deniz ) No, this is not a dream. When you hit a player with Engorgimus, her/his head will transform into this mighty beast. Many players have taken a great liking to this feature...