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Recent content by Stackthepads80

  1. Stackthepads80

    Declined Being able to put books from the library in a book bag

    What I meant by put in the book bag was they that they could be stored and not read. I should have gone into more detail the first time.
  2. Stackthepads80

    Declined Being able to put books from the library in a book bag

    I think it would be so much cooler if the books u get in the library would be able to go into a book bag so they wouldn’t take up so much inventory space.
  3. Stackthepads80

    Duplicate Add house teams for quabbleball

    I have no idea how to get rid of this reply so☹️
  4. Stackthepads80

    Duplicate Add house teams for quabbleball

    I think making house quabbleball teams would make you feel like your in hogwarts