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Recent content by tori/mi laverna

  1. tori/mi laverna

    Potterworld POV

    POV: You give Sam Laverna your alt to mess around on, and he levels it up to level 12 and asks to duel you. He knows you suck at dueling and you do too, but you think you can beat him because the alts level is only 12. You end up losing the duel and all self confidence you once had.
  2. tori/mi laverna

    ow, that one hurt me

    ow, that one hurt me
  3. tori/mi laverna

    omg wow is is that may mayonaise?

    omg wow is is that may mayonaise?
  4. tori/mi laverna

    Potterworld POV

    POV: It's the 2018 Winter Waltz event and you're walking around the school looking for newspaper clippings, but you get lost and forget that /spawn is an option so you rage quit and cry
  5. tori/mi laverna

    Where did you get the idea for your in-game name?

    About a year ago, I was really into creating myths such, so I created this character Torizelphia. She was basically a queen from Norway. I ended up making her into one of my modern characters and created a whole backstory for her, and she became just Tori. I still remember how much I loved to...