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Recent content by Ukiyo

  1. Ukiyo

    Declined Resident Access

    I think this is a good idea. A setting for item frame placing, a setting for building/breaking blocks and a setting for opening chests. Or could find a plugin where you can "lock" chests essentially?
  2. Ukiyo

    Completed Hogsworth Wizard's PE class Checkpoint

    The suggestion is to help players who have trouble with the course, but as stated before they’d struggle on the next part, then the part after that, ect. Even if they had a half-way one just in the first part. When I said “to make it fair” I mean like if this suggestion was actually taken on...
  3. Ukiyo

    Completed Hogsworth Wizard's PE class Checkpoint

    I mean in response to the thread saying there should be one half way through the first stage. If that were to be a thing it’d be only logical to put them in every stage half-way..
  4. Ukiyo

    Declined The Ghost of Wigtown

    I really love this idea!
  5. Ukiyo

    Completed Hogsworth Wizard's PE class Checkpoint

    To make it fair there should be a checkpoint around half-way of each level I think..?
  6. Ukiyo

    Declined Thestry Mount Broom Appearance

    A store-bought broom appearance that looks like a thestry. One of my favourite mobs in the game design-wise! Thestrys already look like a demonic version of the Pegasus Mount broom appearance, and I believe in-game they already have models of them flapping their wings, ect. I believe they are...
  7. Ukiyo

    Duplicate Different Profiles

    Don’t think this is a good idea, too much would need to be implemented/more would need to be done (like imagine doing dailys across 4 profiles) and house resort tokens would become useless. This would also allow people to swing house points unevenly..
  8. Ukiyo

    If you're reading this, you must comment.

    My signature? Yeah, I drew it myself!
  9. Ukiyo

    If you're reading this, you must comment.

    MelancholiaUFO was here.
  10. Ukiyo

    Declined Dueling vs Duelling Policy

    Hey, I use British English as an Australian and I would 100% prefer dueling over duelling. Duelling just looks misspelled..
  11. Ukiyo

    Under Review Leveling - Then vs Now

    I agree, classes should give a lot more AC than they do to balance out everything else and also encourage players to attend classes as well.
  12. Ukiyo

    To be written..

    To be written..
  13. Ukiyo

    Declined Head Update!

    I think adding pronouns to profile (in-game) would be a good idea! So when you shift click a player to know about them, you could just view their preferred pronouns. It would be common sense to just ask a player or use neutral pronouns on them if you don't know them. Also since neopronouns...
  14. Ukiyo

    Duplicate Placeable Pets in Housing

    I do love that idea! What if, like you would with players, you could open a GUI and select emotes and have special emotes with your pet that are specific to the animal your pet is. This emote, like normal emotes, broadcasts to players in your radius. Like.. "(Pet name) rolls on their stomach...