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The Weekly Owl - Edition 6 - Unofficial Roleplay News

Stardusted Weirdo

Minecraft IGN: The_Blue_Lady_
Phoenix Raven
Greetings everyone, and welcome to the sixth edition of The Weekly Owl! It was a quiet week, but a break can be good, especially after the last few that have been hectic. Silence has settled over the allegiances as they prepare for an upcoming surprise.

Recent Events:

On January 18th, newly-Werewolf Sal and Werewolf Alpha Kade showed up at the Phoenix Refuge with Roque Manxwood, Leugim’s father. He believed that his old staff could cure Leugim’s unknown condition. After some deliberation, the Phoenixes permitted Roque Manxwood to have the staff. Later that day, he came back to the Refuge and revealed that Leugim was never in danger and called his condition a "transition". Leugim and the staff, according to Roque, were both soulshards he had created. Leugim, who had secretly followed his father to the Refuge morphed as a cat, overheard this. Enraged, he regained his strength long enough to confront his father and snatch his staff from his hands. He used it to destroy both his father's physical body and the staff itself, causing an explosion that thrust Leugim backwards. Once he found his way back to the Refuge, he was free of his condition, but severely injured. He decided that a fourth of his father's soul will remain inside of him, as he didn't want to sacrifice himself just to destroy it. His father was too weak to act upon it, either way. Two Phoenixes, Yumei Fireheart and Shin, worked together to heal Leugim, and were largely successful. Shady, another Phoenix, let him walk away to change and put his life back together. Leugim is no longer a Dark Follower or any sort of dark wizard and isn't part of any allegiance currently.

Recently, we have seen a lot of people switching sides to different allegiances and clubs. This isn’t something that happens very often, so multiple people switching allegiances within the last week is unusual. Along with personal reasons, there are two main reasons why people may now be switching. The first one is that the Dark Duel happened recently, and an allegiance being under completely new leadership has a knock-on effect with other allegiances too. The second reason is that one person switching sides gives a message to anyone else who may be considering this. It reminds them that this is an option, and they may even be inspired or want to follow them and work alongside them.

There are also many negative effects for the allegiances that are being left. Many of these members were loyal and well-liked, and weren’t expected to leave. This means that other members of their allegiance may be hurt by it, or they may even want to follow them and as previously mentioned continue to work alongside them.

Yesterday, late in the evening, a mysterious source published a broadcast, and what seems to be: a wire tape on the Dark Hand and the Werewolf Alpha. The recording summarized that the Dark Followers were planning an attack on the “new Phoenix nest” on January 30th at 12 PM PST. As of now, we don’t know who released the tape… there are dozens of possibilities.


We interviewed Joel, Tiffany and Sal on their reasons for leaving their allegiances.

Here is our interview with Joel, who joined the Aurorlocks after failing to regain his role as the Dark Lord.

Q: What are your thoughts on what went down at the Dark Challenge, since well, you were a part of it?

A: I'm not surprised with the outcome, I came into the fight prepared to survive and not to win. It wasn't my intention to win. In fact, I wanted to show the ones watching to what means their new leader would go to just to get his way; whether it is trying to kill me or getting someone else to do the dirty work for him. Well guess what Sara and Noah? You're going to try harder next time to get rid of me.

Q: “Interesting indeed, did you know you were switching to try to be an Aurorlock at this point or did it come after seeing what Noah did? It just seems bizarre for an ex-Dark Lord to switch to the Aurorlocks.”

A: “It does seem bizarre, yes, from an outsiders point of view. Before my times as a Dark Follower, I was a part of the Aurorlocks. I faced many horrible things, things that made me into the leader I became. Every Dark Lord that has ever ruled has ruled for their own selfish intentions, for that sweet feeling of power. Their messages may have involved 'freedom', but what is freedom if you are to devote yourself to a higher power? It started to get worse for me, and I eventually strayed to the Dark Followers, thinking that I could be the one to actually change the world. Hence came the day of the Attack on the Aurorlock Base, the reckoning of my revolution. Since the very second my Mortiavra spell had connected with Shakti's body, I felt something... change inside me. I felt something I have never felt before that very moment: pride. I came into the position preaching my message, that I shall change the Ministry for the better. That day did come and I felt so proud of myself and so proud of everyone that stood beside me. I felt that the message I spread actually came true... it gave me hope for the future. But people don't want pride, they don't want to feel accomplishment. They want to feel lust and power and ferocity; that I had not delivered, and it was not part of my message. I was the Dark Lord, and I delivered my promise. My part in this gigantic story had been complete, it was only a matter of time before people got bored of me and my pride. Then, on the day which my fellow brethren decided to stab me in the back, I knew where I had to go, I knew that I had to find my place elsewhere. I called upon someone I knew I could trust, if it weren't for my legilimency I'd be dead. Only then, when I was free, when I almost asked the Chief Aurorlock to allow me into his ranks, I thought I had to do something else. I wouldn't allow pure, selfish and disgusting evil rule over this world.
With Noah now on the throne, we await what happens to all Dark Lords in the end. Imminent failure.”

Our second interview is with Sal, who left the Phoenixes to focus on supporting the werewolves.

Q: “So what made you decide to leave Phoenixes?”

A: “It's well known that I've poured my heart and soul to serving the Phoenixes since day 1. I've caught many spies, pushed back our foes, arrested criminals, trained the Phoenixes and spent all my money and effort to stock them up with the finest potions.

The first reason is: Sadly I got burnt out. I felt I was giving too much, including putting my life on the line every single day, and I felt like they relied on me too much, although it hurts to say....

The second reason is: The Phoenixes were too passive. Joshua Pendragon had multiple chances to make a deal with Dark Lord Noah in exchange for the prisoners that we caught, yet Joshua acted passively and raised the expectations for a deal too high up, although I pressured the Phoenixes several times to accept a smaller deal, they decided to wait and then the Dark Followers came in and broke their people out of our prisons one by one... Risking our lives yielded no benefit due to us being too passive and too greedy. We got nothing in exchange for these prisoners and the Dark Followers got a huge victory from that. All this sacrifice... for nothing.

The third reason is: For those that don't know, I'm also a werewolf. I've struggled daily in fighting other werewolves, and I couldn't deal with it anymore... Our kind is already in danger and to be put in a position where I fight against my own kind is outrageous. I couldn't do it anymore...

My work is done on the Phoenixes.... who knows what the future can hold? For now... I know where I'm needed and what I need.”

Q: “What do you hope to get out of focusing on Werewolves now?”

A: “The Werewolves are depending too much on the Dark Followers for protection. I hope to work with the Werewolves to build a strong independent force to be reckoned with. We will not let people walk over us, or insult our sovereignty anymore. It's time we become independent and choose our own path without relying on anyone..”

Our final interview is with Tiffany, who recently left the Dark Followers to become an Aurorlock. These are the reasons she gave for her choice.

“I had been thinking of leaving the Dark Followers for a long time. By a long time, I mean once Noah and Sara became Dark Lord and Dark Lady. Once they were in power, I was a bit wary of how they would handle things. Noah is a little too chaotic and ruthless, he just causes a lot of unnecessary problems. Sara, on the other hand, is too soft and isn’t seen as much of a threat.

At the same time as all of this was happening, I had recently learned of my birth family through Laurel Solaire, who is my sister. After digging around, I found that a group of Vampires is what led to the death of my parents, and what I assume caused me to become a Vampire myself. Since the Vampires and Dark Followers weren’t on the best of terms, I was unable to get information within the Vampires, seeing as I had chosen the Dark Followers over the Vampires, and I wasn’t really welcome there anymore.

Once the Dark Duel came around, and Noah had become the Dark Lord, I decided it was time to leave. I didn’t support his methods of doing things, even if he is my husband. My original plan was just to go back to the Vampires, and aid the Dark Followers where I could, but without being considered one myself. I wrote a letter to Noah and left it in his office at the Dark Follower Camp. I explained to him that I think he is a good fit for a leader, but not a leader I can follow. I couldn’t stand to work within the Dark Followers knowing that I don’t support how he handles situations. There was another reason why I left the Dark Followers, though. That reason is I hope to find more answers about my family, the Ravellas, within the Vampires. Maybe even find the group of Vampires who attacked my home the night of my parents death.

As to why I joined the Aurorlocks? This came as a shock to me as well. I never intended to join the Aurorlocks, but when I saw Joel become one, I decided to follow. I don’t know what his reasons are for joining, but mine reason is simple; I want to turn over a new leaf. If the information I have about Noah and the Dark Followers is useful to them, then I’ll try my best to assist them with that, but I don’t plan on giving up information unless it’s a dire situation in which my information is useful. I don’t think my husband should be the Dark Lord, as I feel as though he only cares about power. I think that the moment he has to choose between his power and the lives of the Dark Followers, he’ll choose his power over them.”

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