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The Daily Diviner - Breaking News 18

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The Daily Diviner

New Magician
Unicorn Forest Catastrophe
Breaking News
Written by Roleplay Team
Edited by MakkChi

Good morning, witches and wizards. The Daily Diviner recently received word from the Ministry that an event has taken place in the Unicorn forest southwest of Haggleton within the last few days. The dispatched units, upon arrival, discovered the remains of a number of deceased Unicorns, along with three deceased Aurorlocks who were on patrol that night.

Accounts from the discovery claim that the once crystal-white trees had been dirtied during the slaughter. In an interview with Aurorlock Gemma Kent, it was revealed that upon inspecting the corpses, the Aurorlocks learned that most of the hair from the creatures had been taken. After further investigation of the crime scene, the Aurorlock unit discovered two other pieces of evidence, including a Phoenix feather and a stray piece of orange clothing. Following the discovery, Deputy Aurorlock Rani Lightwood stated that multiple investigators had been sent out to the area to ensure that they had not missed any clues. An insider within the Ministry also reported that at the current moment the evidence is pointing towards a phoenix-associated culprit, although no official comments have been made by the members of the High Command regarding the possibility.

Consequently, Chief Aurorlock Matt Griffiths released an official statement on the 30th of April regarding the relationship between the two allegiances. The Chief revealed that the Aurorlocks had indeed had an agreement with the Council of Cinders. Although he did not go into the specifics regarding the agreement, the Chief stated that on behalf of the Ministry all agreements would cease between the two parties. When questioned about why he made the choice, Chief Griffiths replied that during the Longbay Landing incident, comments had been made against the Aurorlocks that blamed them for stealing files precious to the Phoenixes. Due to the tension, the Aurorlocks concluded that it was no longer beneficial to continue their agreement. Finally, the Chief Aurorlock asked the people of the Wizarding World for any information they may have regarding the Unicorn forest attack and encouraged everyone to report any suspicious behavior directly to the Aurorlocks.

Following the interview, no further comments have been made by High Command members regarding the situation. The Daily Diviner will continue to keep you updated on the situation but encourages everyone to stay safe and stay home when possible. Thank you for reading the Daily Diviner, until next time.
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