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Add needed amount of XP to /me


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: eenarmige_klasse
Currently if you hover over your profile, it shows the amount of XP you have right now out of the (seemingly?) total amount of XP you can get, next to the needed XP to level up. Calculating how much XP exactly (for questing, or killing mobs or whatever) can be quite annoying given the amount of digits in these numbers.

It would be really nice if either the Needed XP line would be changed to display how much XP is left to level up, or a line is added below it that does the same. So that you could see how much XP you have left to level up.


Minecraft IGN: MelonFoxy
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Helper Lore Master Poltergeist
Hello, @eenarmige_klasse !

I am pleased to tell you that this suggestion is complete! We agree that it can be confusing to determine the amount of XP you need to level up, and as such we have added a new line to the /me profile that shows your "Needed XP".

Thank you for making this suggestion, and have a magical day!