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Change Trivia Question in PG


Minecraft IGN: Poppydette
Honeybadger Dark Follower Phoenix
hmmm idk while I do agree it is a bit of a trick question, would it be correct to say that serpents are green and grey, ravens are burnt orange and blue, and griffins are red and yellow? If so, then it should be corrected in that question.

Liz Frogg

Minecraft IGN: cxrzyyy
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Class Design Poltergeist Engineer Intern
Hiya @MattyPoltergeist and all others who contributed to this discussion!

I come bearing good news! This suggestion has been accepted, as we agree that this question can be misleading, and as such we have amended the answers to be a little different and more distinguishable! We have also reached out to the Lore team and they are in the process of creating another batch of trivia questions that will be ready soon!

Thank you for making your suggestion as we love to hear your ideas! Have a wonderful rest of your day!