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Make houses (Grif, Serp, etc.) a KEY feature


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: MaGezkyy
Hi! Throughout my time playing on the server I have come to love a ton of different aspects of it, everything from immersive classes to great RPG aspects. However, there is one thing that annoys me more than anything and that is the potential of the Harry Potter housing feature and concept. Not to be confused with the plot /housing! This will be a lengthy suggestion, as I will provide both problems and solutions to fully illustrate how it may benefit the server. I will try to have a good TL;DR at the end. Lastly, this is purely my perception of things, I have not spoken to anyone else and many assumptions may be a miss.

First off, the houses are one of, if not the coolest idea in Hogwarts. You see countless people taking Wizarding world quizzes and with the release of the new game, the housing discussion and engagement truly sparked. When you get sorted into a house you feel a sense of belonging and fellowship with all the others around you. You are a part of a community like YOU, within the great Hogwarts community.

Though on the server it feels more like a name and color. The dorms are a dead place, house chat both in-game and on Discord is barely used. House cup is subconscious and does not feel grand at all, Quidditch league isn't there and Quidditch is barely played. The concept is not really present at all. My idea is to breathe life, and make it one of the best features for new, and veteran players. I will now list some features/visions I believe will revamp housing, and perhaps make it feel more "authentic" to the movies.

  • Prefects
    Prefects will help control the house. They can set announcements, aid in creating events, make sure things are staying in line. Essentially a small side-job to moderation to ensure houses serves its purpose. They can do as little or as much as each individual prefect wants, as server moderation is their true duty.
  • House dorm
    Vaguely said, they are basically dead - though great looking. My vision is that these should be a great social space to meet fellow students, and act as a hub for each house. There are a few things I would do;
    - Hogsworth spawn location is the dorm. Small inconvenience, though prefect outside will sort it out.
    - Announcement board. A board where prefects can write all kinds of announcements and information.
    - House cup trophy cabinet.
    - Hologram displaying top three wizards and witches with most points earned in the current house cup.
    - Private small dorm? Possibly store a few items such as assignments, and whatnot. (From another thread)
  • House cup
    House cup will be revamped to have a true sense of significance and inspire bonding and collaboration in each house. It is crucial that it does not become too competitive, as I believe toxicity will start to spire if the rewards are too grand. Tough a bit of competition is only healthy. I suggest the following;
    - Greater rewards. To motivate more people to engage themself thus knitting more of a community within each house. We truly bond through both our success and failure. Having a "carrot" to work towards is crucial.
    - More house points awarding activities. This could be anything from Dueling, Flying, Quabbleball, etc. competition rewards.
  • Safe space for new players
    We all help new players through main chat, and this is something the server is exceptional at. Though it may be very difficult for newer players to create friendships. Global chat is mostly questions, or friend groups speaking to each other. Newer players may stay away from jumping in such conversations, and meeting other new players to socialize with through your in-game ventures are very rare. Imagine you move to a new school, and everyone in your class welcomes you and tries to engage you in the conversation, and you immediately find 2-3 people who you can tell anything to, and will constantly get you settled. That is what my ideal first player house experience would be. Look at it as a gate for new players that will help them with socializing and anything else on the server. (Thank you to AtherielOA, mentioned a lot of this is another thread).
  • Quabbleball league like the movies
    2-3 community members from each house will try and organize a team in their respective house. This can be through trainings, or random election. Though having training/try-outs will really spark life to quabbleball. As it is super fun, though difficult to really master without any guidance. Games will be on weekends, and at set-time that way people can play and say in advance if they cannot make it.
  • Other tournaments
    Perhaps monthly flying, dueling, etc. tournaments where houses can compete for house points. The ones competing can be decided by an internal tournament to find the best one to avoid bias.
  • Discord category, instead of one channel
    Discord house category that the prefects can administrate. This will give the option to add a quabbleball chat, announcement channel, introduction channel, you name it.
  • Enforcing rules
    With such an "importance" to the houses there may be instances of individuals disrespecting houses such as "Griffin are terrible, never join them!", "We hate griffins we are way better than them at quabbleball". Which should be discouraged by all houses, and dealt with by staff for server wide punishment if disrespectful. Of course it should be allowed to openly joke and have fun such as "We will smack you Griffins, get ready!", "You lost to us in Quabbleball haha".
House have unrealized potential on the server.
Prefects will actively administrate/moderate houses as a "side-thing" to benefit all houses.
Breathe life into house dorms, make them the hub for each house and a lively "active" place you find your fellow house friends.
Make house-cup grand and valuable, something every house wants to win as a collective!
Make houses new players' gate into the "social-life" of the server.
Quabbleball league, like in the movies.
Amongst other tournaments too, though less prominent.
Discord category for each house, not 1 channel.
Make sure server still stays happy and friendly, and does not turn into a house war.

This is just my idea/thought. If you have find any flaws, or have some criticism for the idea that would be awesome. If you would like to contribute with your own ideas and visions that would be just as awesome. Lastly this is just casting a light on the idea, not a concept. If this gets good feedback, and leadership finds it interesting I could happily make an in-depth concept to cover everything. Many thanks!

astra <3

New Magician
Minecraft IGN: xAstra_
so true! You basically get sorted and nothing else happens with your house. House chats always dead, would be cool if tournaments felt more house vs house :heart:


Minecraft IGN: TallBlondeDude
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
=> House QB Tourneys
history sure does rhyme doesn't it

besides the fact that this has been suggested (and rejected) countless times, the glaring flaw in this is that the community is already near crisis levels of shrinkage and splitting further is not a super viable idea at the moment. This thread is pushing at the core idea of a loss of shared social space, which rev killed off (if you look hard enough anything can be traced back to rev in modern PW).


Minecraft IGN: HektorTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I actually like the Idea of expanding on houses as it should present your "family" like in the movies. I believe the things you have mentioned are awesome Ideas but wouldn't be on a high priority list. Also what Tall said that splitting the playerbase is probably not a good decision but starting on expanding on the features in the common rooms would be super nice! Like displaying the seperate House Cup wins apart from the Hat in the trophy room would be a cool start and a hologram with the most contributing players at this moment would also have a flare to it imo! So you can always see whos at the top and not only when the house cup ceremonies are held


Minecraft IGN: KipxSateee
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven SPEW Sr. Poltergeist
Hello @Magezky, and those who replied,

We really appreciate you bringing your suggestion(s) forward. The elaboration and the replies from others are also valued. The team has brought up your proposals to leadership for a decision. Since there are a lot of components in this suggestion, we will be addressing them separately and explaining our decisions for them as we go.

Starting off, we will not be implementing the idea for the Prefects. We believe their main duties should remain as part of the Moderation team, as we believe this would cause confusion otherwise among the player base.

As for the house dormitories, we will be accepting this part. It is our plan to add more content to the House Dorms in the future. It is good to note that the implementation may always vary from what is being suggested, but we will definitely take your provided ideas with us as inspiration. In addition to that, we are also accepting the suggestion about the House Cup. Just like you mentioned, we would like to work on ways to further increase player engagement in the House Cups. This would help with that. It is good to note that this too may look different from the proposed.

We will be declining the part about the Safe Space. It is always good to look at these perspectives and see how we can help newer players settle in our community. In this instance, however, we already have house chats in the game. We believe it is ultimately up to players to decide if and how much they want to use those. While we have other methods, such as game chats and discord chats, are also available, we can't enforce making friends on the server.

We also have good news, the suggestion about the Quabbleball league is already complete, as we do have QB tournaments on the server now! You can read more about that here. As for the monthly tournaments, the Arena team does host them, but they no longer restrict it by the house because this turned out to have limited participation in the past. The current system allows for better competition, therefore, we aren't accepting that part of the suggestion.

Furthermore, we will also not be pursuing the Discord category idea. The reasoning behind that is that we see that the already existing Discord house chats are not used all that frequently. This is something we take into account. We also believe that having more channels would not lead to more activity. Consequently, that part will be declined as well.

As for enforcing the rules, we already have a Prefect team that oversees the chat and enforcement of our server rules. Any (chat) behaviour that includes high levels of disrespect to others is and will continue to be dealt with. If players see this behaviour occurring, we encourage them to bring this forward with a ticket in-game through /t create or a member of the moderation team, such as Discord Moderators or the Wizencouncil, if it is Discord or forum related.

Summarized, we have chosen to mark your suggestion as
accepted on hold for the reasons and decisions mentioned above. Thanks again for bringing this up! If you have any questions or other ideas, let us know.

We'll keep you updated on this thread. I also wish you all a wonderful day! :)


Minecraft IGN: TallBlondeDude
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
Calling quabbleball leagues as implemented is a stretch beyond what could really be considered real. QB tournys are always 1v1, so you cant even make a team much less a house team. I get this is due to both technical and playerbase reasons, but calling it implemented is just wrong.