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more time between qb tournaments


Minecraft IGN: TallBlondeDude
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
i dont think this is the problem

its that there just isnt enough active playerbase to make qb games start during the off-tourny time so there isnt a communtiy built around it like there used to be -> no one shows up


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
i dont think this is the problem

its that there just isnt enough active playerbase to make qb games start during the off-tourny time so there isnt a communtiy built around it like there used to be -> no one shows up
Then it's better to scrap them as a whole. It's not like arena showed much interest in them from start (judging by the amount of times the tournament was literally forgotten/rewards were not being given+ the lack of communication about the possible changes), and if the community doesn't engage with this format, it's stupid to keep "hosting" a tournament and give ppl huge rewards for winning 2 minigames lol, it's sad


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf
i dont think this is the problem

its that there just isnt enough active playerbase to make qb games start during the off-tourny time so there isnt a communtiy built around it like there used to be -> no one shows up
eh I can't lie I dont care enough to join every month to sweat out the tournament but if it were every 3 months or something like that I'd probably show up for the occasion, and I imagine others might feel the same way

+ what navy said I feel like even arena doesn't care about them which is bad because general PWMC staff doesn't care about arena so it's a double whammy
PWMC staff don't care --> arena don't care --> :(

can't force them to care obviously but then again it also might be less problematic for them if there's a delay

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below!