DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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Game Design Blog - January 2025

Hello everyone!

It’s been a while since we talked. Since then, we spent 2024 working out what we want the future of Potterworld to look like. We’ve also had some changes behind the scenes, with Droobledore taking a step back and new Heads of Game Design coming in to lead the entire department.

A Brief Update

Now, something that we’ve been noticeably absent on is Potterworld 2.0. For that, we apologize. It was never our intention to leave you all in the dark this long about our future, but we also did not want to continue to promise a future that became less and less likely to arrive as we began to sort out our priorities and resources. After continuing to look at what was presented to you all over the last 2 years, we had some difficult choices to make.

Ultimately, we’ve decided to not pursue the version of 2.0 that had previously been presented. As we always say, sometimes plans change, and this is one of those times. With that being said, however, we are still developing a major update, just not the one that has previously been discussed. We’ll have more details to share with you all in the very near future, but in the meantime, we wanted to share our plan moving forward through 2025.

Initially, we had planned to produce the original version of 2.0 last year. However, as we continued to work on events throughout the year, it became clear to us that we couldn’t sustain the team with the resources we had - Simply put, we couldn’t produce events up to the caliber that you, our playerbase, have come to expect from events, while also giving 2.0 the care and resources needed to ensure Potterworld can thrive. Due to this, we spent the last year laying the groundwork to be able to create events that are much easier to just “turn back on” when the time comes around, as opposed to creating all-new content each time. We picked popular locations for each event with a wide breadth of content that will allow players to come back and enjoy fan-favorite locations time after time, while also allowing us to build upon them, should we have the resources to do so down the road.

This means that this year, our events will send players to old locations, with old content, with new rewards. All players, regardless of if they’ve played the events before or not, will be able to play all of the old content.

Event Schedule
Spring - Courtyard Celebration
May the 4th
Anniversary - Courtyard Celebration
Winter Waltz

Now, we know that this may be disappointing, but we sincerely believe that we need to take these steps to reallocate our time and resources towards producing a better base game for you all to enjoy in the long term. With that being said, there are still many things to look forward to in 2025, including new experiences to fill the wait while we design this big update.

The Future
As we work towards developing our new update, we plan to provide the community with greater transparency and communication as we continue to design, iterate, and playtest our new features. This doesn’t just mean Blog Posts, but real chances to help us decide what the future of Potterworld could hold.

We have a great many plans for our new update already, but we also want to ensure that players like what we have in store. This means that as we continue to design, we’ll have opportunities for players to participate in Open Playtests, with the first of these playtests scheduled hopefully for sometime in the first half of 2025.

We’ll have a lot more information to share as we get closer to our playtests, but we felt it important to make clear to you all our plans moving forward, so that everyone can adjust their expectations. We can’t wait to show you all what we have in store soon!
