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  • Sparkling Chests

    Hello everyone! I have created a book with every sparkling chest location which includes exact coordinates to each chest! If you are interested contact me if I'm online, through discord or this website! The school can be hard to navigate to find a lot of them (speaking from experience), so if you need any help finding any of the chests in the book, feel free to contact me via Discord @LauvChloe#0954 or here on the website! Another great option if I have not gotten back to you in the time-frame you need me, there are plenty of players on the server that know how to get to the chests! Have fun playing ya'll!

    Busy Bee

    Hey ya'll! I haven't been very active due to packing my house up in order to make a big move to another state. Hopefully I will be able to find more time to be online, but if you are needing help with the Mansion Maze then message me on Discord @ LauvChloe#0954 or here on the website! I will be happy to help out and pop on real quick if I'm home!

    Halloween Event

    Yesterday I figured out the Mansion Maze with the help of Forest_Nox, NinjaJok3r, and JustMerePanda.
    I have reviewed the directions and have made a book with each step in order. If anyone would like to learn how to get through the maze, I will be glad to help! I think the book I made with the directions will help a lot! I'm not sure when the event ends, but might as well learn the maze before it does end!

    (PS: I also know how to do the Riddle Manor Dropper, so I am also happy to help with that one as well!)

    Memory Vault

    A couple days ago, I went to the main bank in London to find the things I had left in my vaults. I come to find out after talking to other players that vaults are no longer able to be used. Luckily I was able to open my vaults and find all my old items. Most items I am still able to use but I also had a bunch of items that no longer have a purpose, so I'll be keeping them as keepsakes I suppose. There is one item I found in one of the vaults that surprised me. It was a book titled- "DD: Server News" by 2harts, dated 7/31/17. Crazy to think I had been on this server so long ago!
    Anyways, that is all I have today!

    ~Chloe :heart:
    Back in the Wizarding World

    Hey ya'll! I'm sort of new to Potterworld, but also sort of an old player that use to play on this server years ago. I've noticed some changes and since it's been so long since I've played on the server, my brain isn't very fresh on what to do. I'm starting to get the hang of it again though and that's thanks to so many players who have helped me out!
    I'm super excited to be back in Potterworld and can't wait to have more adventures and meet more players!

    ~Chloe :heart:
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