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  1. northeastprince

    Declined Reduce minimum age requirement from 14 to 13 for Jr. Prefect Applications

    I am not denying that people mature as they age, I am simply trying to convey my point. A lot of 13 year olds I know could and would become Jr. Prefect, given that 1. they applied and 2. the age requirement was 13 years of age. Most companies set their employee age requirement due to legal...
  2. northeastprince

    Declined Reduce minimum age requirement from 14 to 13 for Jr. Prefect Applications

    There is a lot of stuff that 22 year old Potterworld staff shouldn't have to deal with on a daily basis. But they do, because they want to make Potterworld a safer place. There is no staff position in the world where you don't have to make sacrifices. And no one can ever be ready for a position...
  3. northeastprince

    Completed Chat Redirect Reminder Broadcast

    You have my vote! I've seen this problem one too many times, and it's an easy and simple fix.
  4. northeastprince

    Declined Reduce minimum age requirement from 14 to 13 for Jr. Prefect Applications

    Don't use that phrase. It is demeaning and undermines the intelligence of young people. At its worst, it denies me a proper explanation. It should not be used as an argument to end all communication. You can't deny the possibility, but then it is not an adequate basis to what you should do now...
  5. northeastprince

    Declined Reduce minimum age requirement from 14 to 13 for Jr. Prefect Applications

    If you put a mass filter on who is applying for Jr. Prefect, you might miss out on a valuable staff member. For example, I got my ham-radio license at the age of 8, and wanted to job shadow an employee at a local tech startup (I was 11 by that time). I reached out, and they denied my request...
  6. northeastprince

    Declined Housing Roleplay Suggestion

    Not just that. Things like create NPCs, NPC chat features, teleport button, quests and more, but just for housing.
  7. northeastprince

    Declined Housing Roleplay Suggestion

    No, I am not suggested that. I meant heavily limited automation features for roleplay. Nothing that would interfere with the existing system.
  8. northeastprince

    Declined Housing Roleplay Suggestion

    Sort of like a limited command block.
  9. northeastprince

    Declined Housing Roleplay Suggestion

    Greetings Potterworld Poltergeists, I have a suggestion that will revolutionize unofficial roleplay on Potterworld. Forever. So sit back, relax, and prepare to be blown away! Before I blow you away, I want you to first imagine this: You've built this magnificent structure on your housing...
  10. northeastprince

    Disabling 1.14

    Finally! I don't want other players to miss out on classes like I did... :cry:
  11. northeastprince

    Declined Class Helper Bypass Suggestion

    Thanks! Have a great day, @Motionic!
  12. northeastprince

    Declined Class Helper Bypass Suggestion

    While that may be the case for most 13-15 year olds, that doesn't mean that some of them can't behave in a professional manner. Therefore, I feel that age should be judged in a case-by-case basis.
  13. northeastprince

    Declined Class Helper Bypass Suggestion

    Yes, but if that's really the case, then there should be a classes attended requirement.
  14. northeastprince

    Declined Class Helper Bypass Suggestion

    Hello! I was wondering if the minimum level to apply for Class Helper Bypass could be lowered? I would really like to help out with classes, but I'm only on level 40 now, and I feel like it's gonna take a long time to get to level 70.