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Search results

  1. northeastprince

    Declined Reduce minimum age requirement from 14 to 13 for Jr. Prefect Applications

    If you put a mass filter on who is applying for Jr. Prefect, you might miss out on a valuable staff member. For example, I got my ham-radio license at the age of 8, and wanted to job shadow an employee at a local tech startup (I was 11 by that time). I reached out, and they denied my request...
  2. northeastprince

    Declined Housing Roleplay Suggestion

    Greetings Potterworld Poltergeists, I have a suggestion that will revolutionize unofficial roleplay on Potterworld. Forever. So sit back, relax, and prepare to be blown away! Before I blow you away, I want you to first imagine this: You've built this magnificent structure on your housing...
  3. northeastprince

    Declined Class Helper Bypass Suggestion

    Hello! I was wondering if the minimum level to apply for Class Helper Bypass could be lowered? I would really like to help out with classes, but I'm only on level 40 now, and I feel like it's gonna take a long time to get to level 70.