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Search results

  1. robotabc773

    Completed I Have a Lot of Suggestions

    I know this is from a while back in the thread, but I just got back to my computer and checked out the chat messages again, and to clarify, when I do /ch leave g to leave the global channel, and then /ch g to both focus and rejoin the global channel, I get this result: I once again acknowledge...
  2. robotabc773

    Completed I Have a Lot of Suggestions

    You make a good point here, perhaps it would be a better solution to improve the bot instead of make a new menu. I will give improvements to the bot some more thought.
  3. robotabc773

    Completed I Have a Lot of Suggestions

    So is the Burrow, but it has housing access. I agree that you should need to work for your money, but that work should be the farming mobs, not the selling of the drops. Making the vendor easier to use is just a small QOL improvement. With the chat things, I meant that I felt like the "you...
  4. robotabc773

    Completed I Have a Lot of Suggestions

    I love this idea, it made me a little sad when they added the teleport NPC because I loved learning the castle through the first year quests but also wished there was a better way to guide people around then making Stardust do it all day. A guide with checkpoints would be great for showing...
  5. robotabc773

    Completed I Have a Lot of Suggestions

    I do not know how menus are formatted in the plugins or the database for the discord bot, but I suspect this could be automated. Thanks for poining this out, but not everyone has a forum account and the point is that you shouldn't have to leave the game to check. Thanks for letting me know of...
  6. robotabc773

    Completed I Have a Lot of Suggestions

    As I said in the title, I have a lot of suggestions. They range from new features to tiny nitpicks, and instead of try to make 17 separate threads for each, I am putting them all together. These are all the things I noticed in the month or so I have spent playing on Potterworld. A few of these...