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Search results

  1. Marinette x Scoreey

    Declined Potterpoints suggestions

    I think it will be a good idea to make that you can use potterpoints for store trade, it could be pretty cool for staff members and for tournament winners.. Yeah uhh i like chips and i hope it will be accepted :D
  2. Marinette x Scoreey

    Declined A new wand suggestion

    Hello, My name is ori yeah Basically i think a banana wand could be pretty cool, it could look very cool and its i guess easy to make (idk), it could be fun and cool! So yeah... VOTE BANANA!! IDK
  3. Marinette x Scoreey

    Duplicate Graduation Hat Cosmetic

    I suggest adding the graduation hat cosmetic to the shop it could look real good on people it goes good with the collectable (that you can throw a hat in the air)
  4. Marinette x Scoreey

    Animated banner for your signature etc

    So, I'm mostly doing it because I'm bored and it could be fun Examples for "animated banners/signatures" : This is FREE, so if you want one write down below: IGN/Name 3 Things you want me to write and done!
  5. Marinette x Scoreey

    Declined a quest that i think should be added

    I think there should be a quest added explaining henry porter and lord Valdemar it should be a little quest like you can see in the past about henry and valdemar fighting and it has a little storyline to it in my opinion, it can be a really cool quest to add and can be very fun!