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  1. Chelsad

    Completed Voting tokens to gold ratio

    Hello! I would just like to say that this has been fixed
  2. Chelsad

    Completed /find command

    or maybe add it on to the friends list so that only your friends can see where you are? because as hannah said, people could harass others and possibly follow someone everywhere. it could be quite annoying, so maybe when you do /f list, it shows their location next to their name, kind of like...
  3. Chelsad

    Completed /find command

    i really like this idea! it’d be really helpful when one wants to help another, and would just be easier to find your friends in general (and stalk them :eyes: )
  4. Chelsad

    Completed don't put low years against grads in dueling class

    dueling classes arent always like this! in dueling, the professor can host whatever they feel like. there’s free-for-all (in years), freeze dueling, team vs. team, etc. today, we did combined ffa. it doesn’t happen often, so i don’t think you should worry about it. i believe this is the only...
  5. Chelsad

    My wand isn't working

    try turning off "quick cast" when you do /wands while holding your wand!