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Search results

  1. imagery

    Declined Wizarding School Housing Themes

    Honestly some of the examples sound super cute, but I don't think they should be for certain schools :) I personally looove Harry Potter, but honestly only very very hardcore HP fans would be interested in specifically buying themes that are tied to other schools. I love the ideas though, but...
  2. imagery

    Declined Reward 1 gold for writing "gg" after a Minigame

    True, but to be fair though its not meant to be useful, just a fun little quirk to encourage people to do a friendly gesture :)
  3. imagery

    Declined Help For Newer Players - Tracking for Quests

    Thats almost exactly what I was thinking! I agree exploration is definitely a key aspect of the fun for the game, but I agree that maybe it should only be for Year 1 just to get the players awareness of direction in the castle established :) Then after, they can play find what they need on their...
  4. imagery

    Declined Help For Newer Players - Tracking for Quests

    Hi, as someone whos a new player and talked to new and older players about this, I think something should definitely be done to help newer players. Currently, the tutorial is alright. It helps teach people understand the basics of the system for the game, but that's about it. I think that...