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  1. MiraMoose

    Declined Change Quabbleball Scoring Rules (problems with defender cooldown)

    It's not that they don't shoot. If I don't shoot at the goal to block it then they're close enough to make the shot no matter what. If I do shoot they see that I've shot it and they fly off to another goal while my cool down stops me from blocking it. If the problem was that they were hovering...
  2. MiraMoose

    Declined Change Quabbleball Scoring Rules (problems with defender cooldown)

    Yeah, I agree with both of you, I'm not saying it's going to make the defender's job easier, and in fact, I hope it doesn't make it easy. I'm just saying that the current system makes it impossible. The reason I only said it for passers is that they're the only ones I notice doing this but maybe...
  3. MiraMoose

    Declined Change Quabbleball Scoring Rules (problems with defender cooldown)

    I totally agree. I think maybe the wall would have to be plainly visible but this could work
  4. MiraMoose

    Declined Change Quabbleball Scoring Rules (problems with defender cooldown)

    I'm bringing this up because I usually don't play defender but I've recently been trying it out. One thing I notice is that there is a really easy trick to make the defender completely unable to do anything. Passers bring the Quabble as close as possible to one of the hoops. As they approach the...