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Search results

  1. tiggs_

    Declined PvP Battlegrounds.

    Hi Potterworld, Players & Staff alike. I hope my suggestion is conceived well, and I ask for people to please include all their added suggestions below my post, and together hopefully we can come up with a great idea! So as we all know, Potterworld, is considered a MMORPG, similar to other...
  2. tiggs_

    Declined A strictly "Helper" role.

    Is there currently a staff role, or even a non staff role, that's designed for people to purely help the community, with no permissions or powers, just a prefix to let people know that they are there, and willing to help. If there isn;t, I think there should be and here's why. Now this post may...
  3. tiggs_

    On-Hold Improve Higher Level Grinding

    Hello PotterWorld community, I've not been around for a while, and with that i've not kept up to date too much with the forums, although I have checked here and there, so i'm not sure entirely if this has been suggested before, but I hope not! As we all know, there has been the never ending...
  4. tiggs_

    Feedback Experience Required for Level 80.

    Hey Everybody! So after multiple discussions and friendly debates in the #general channel of the PotterWorld discord, I have decided to create a forum post, that way not only will staff be able to take our suggestions and make something of them, we can also host a debate in a more formatted...
  5. tiggs_

    Declined Animorphus Colour Effects for Allegiances

    Title explains it all! I think it would be awesome to have different coloured particles depending on your allegiances. Black for DF etc.