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  1. siri

    Give me three

    Basilisk Zouwu Sphinx Give me 3 music genres
  2. siri

    The Person Below Me

    many TPBM loves springrolls!
  3. siri

    Would you rather?

    Only be able to celebrate christmas. I hate birthdays - if we are talking about my own ofc would you rather live in Europe or Asia
  4. siri

    The Person Below Me

    yes. i still don't drink enough of it though. TPBM doesn't like pineapple on pizza
  5. siri

    The Person Below Me

    i currenly have two black cats. never had any cats before them TPBM is a fan of Avatar The Last Airbender
  6. siri

    The Person Below Me

    nope TPBM joined this website in August 2019
  7. siri

    The Person Below Me

    yes :cool: TPBM has been top three in at least two flying classes
  8. siri

    The Person Below Me

    maybe o.o TPBM likes to play hide and seek
  9. siri

    The Person Below Me

    no (gotta continue this lil chain) TPBM is primarily an Aurorlock!
  10. siri

    The Person Below Me

    yea i like being outside, especially in the summer. TPBM prefer the harry potter books over the movies
  11. siri

    The Person Below Me

    kinda. i have them on my nose and cheeks TPBM has watched a good movie this week
  12. siri

    The Person Below Me

    eh. i can listen to most music, exept for the music on spotify's global top 50. the person below me likes 90's hiphop
  13. siri

    Counting Battle; Student verses Staff

  14. siri

    The Person Below Me

    yes but actually no. TPBM is the real Aurora
  15. siri

    Counting Battle; Student verses Staff

  16. siri

    The Person Below Me

    not many, but i do have a lot of friends who are staff. TPBM has resorted more than two times
  17. siri

    Counting Battle; Student verses Staff

  18. siri

    Counting Battle; Student verses Staff

  19. siri

    Would you rather?

    i would love to be able to fly and see the world from a bird's view. would you rather live in the countryside or in a big city?
  20. siri

    Say something true about the person above you.

    TPAM used to have _Black_Magic as their ign