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Search results

  1. MarcieKing

    Declined The Sword of Griffin

    Thank you for your reply and sounds good!
  2. MarcieKing

    Declined The Sword of Griffin

    I used to play on this server like a year ago and i have recently returned so i dont really know how everything works yet with staff etc. I just would like to help the Griffins as much as i can as i feel it going into decline. I know i can help them right now with quests and stuff, but having a...
  3. MarcieKing

    Declined The Sword of Griffin

    Staff could interview some people to be the roleplay version of the head of Griffin and when one is chosen they will be head until or they abdicate, arent fit to be a good leader anymore or is inactive.
  4. MarcieKing

    Declined The Sword of Griffin

    The holder of the Sword would be kind of a leader of House Griffin and if that was me i would organize small weekly events with little prizes here and there so that people would be more active, because as of late i have noticed a decline of Griffins. The holder should also help any Griffin in...
  5. MarcieKing

    Declined The Sword of Griffin

    Add the Sword of Griffin as a single item to the game, but only one person can have it at a time. It should be granted to a worthy Griffin (like myself) to lead the House of Griffin to the future and to victory.