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Search results

  1. mermaidcat

    Yourautographed version is on its way 😘😘

    Yourautographed version is on its way 😘😘
  2. mermaidcat


  3. mermaidcat

    Under Review Quabbleball House Tournaments

    This would be so awesome and I would love to see this implemented, I think it would be cool for exposing more players to quabbleball too. And love the idea of players in the stands so those who don’t want to play can still participate!!!! So cute and fun!! (Please)
  4. mermaidcat

    On-Hold Quabbleball Emote Pack

    I love this idea and i'd like to say that Frebii is a genius and we all should follow his example
  5. mermaidcat

    Quabbleball Player Testing

    We need Bryce in here
  6. mermaidcat

    Quabbleball Player Testing

    mermaidcat mermaidcat#3806
  7. mermaidcat

    Valentine's 2023 Giveaway

    Kamer aka cheddarsoup aka Kamer_Lupin is the best candidate for headmaster #ched4headmaster and here's why a) he has the most impressive history of winning anything and everything, so he should probably win this candidacy b) he is so funny c) he is the best hence, for these reasons...
  8. mermaidcat

    Feedback Arena Loophole Rule Enforcement

    To my understanding the transaction was only for joining the challenge. Under this assumption, Tall then fairly raced and earned top 3.
  9. mermaidcat

    Feedback Arena Loophole Rule Enforcement

  10. mermaidcat

    December 2022 Flying Tournament Sign-Up

    mermaidcat badger
  11. mermaidcat

    November 2022 Dueling Tournament Sign-Up

    mermaidcat honeybadger