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Search results

  1. Thomas

    On-Hold Soulcruxes as easter eggs / sidemissions

    Any progress on this project so far? :)
  2. Thomas

    On-Hold Soulcruxes as easter eggs / sidemissions

    Cool! Can't wait to see what you guys make of the idea :) Gl and Have a great day too!
  3. Thomas

    On-Hold Soulcruxes as easter eggs / sidemissions

    Hi! Me and some friends on Potterworld really liked the Special easter eggs/ sidemissions like the Shards of the Philosopher stones or the Guardian challenge. I was thinking about other possible easter eggs or sidemissions that would fit in the storyline of Potterworld. Personally I think Lord...
  4. Thomas

    Duplicate a bigger storyline

    What in mu opinion would make the server and the missions way more intressted if there was a soryline, thatway half of the levels would be about the final boss you defeat in the last level. It would make the missions and the server more unique and it switches up the usual missions :)